Candor Chasma - The Key [CD]


Two years after "Rings", Corrado Altieri and Simon Balestrazzi are back on Old Europa Cafe with a new release that draws its inspiration from the life and work of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the 19th centuty Russian occultist, whose research and publications are still today a reference for many modern esoteric disciplines.
"The Key" is a psychic voyage in eight parts, each one referencing dates, places or events which have been pivotal in Mme Blavatsky life and spiritual journey.
Candor Chasma once more update the esthetics of post-industrial electronic sound with an obscure suite of psychedelic frequencies streams , hypnotic mantras and abrasive analog bursts of noise.
As in the previous works no laptop was used in the realization of the album.

1_ Hyde Park (August 12, 1851)
2_ Calcutta (1855)
3_ The Balkans (1867)
4_ al-Qāhirah (1871)
5_ New York (1877)
6_ S.S. Eunomia pt.1
7_ Adyar (1882)
8_ S.S. Eunomia pt.2

Reference 729 Category C Brand Old Europa Cafe