K100 - The Vault Of Apparitions [CD]

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The solo project of Kim Sølve (Trine + Kim Design Studio, Swarms, M) turns loose his first collection from the vault. After a decade of introspection, intense work and self-imposed musical seclusion he now presents the first 12 tracks of dark glimmering electronic music. This is distant, transporting music built from ghost frequencies and hoarse sound fields. The building blocks are carved from excursions to industrial ruins and condemned places which resonates with otherness and timelessness, as well as from sounds of personal artifacts and intense personal experiences bordering on rituals. The glimpse into the vault can be yours from 30th October on. Turn the key, open the vault and hear what's inside...

K100 - the aural equivalent of a false awakening.

De amelodieuze dark ambient soundscapes van K100 klinken sinister, intuïtief, tijdloos, desolaat en zeer donker. Titels als 'No Light', 'Winters In The Making', [...], etc. spreken voor zichzelf. De tracks variëren in lengte van zeer korte stukjes van nog geen twee minuten tot het magnum opus, het meer dan 13 minuten durende slotstuk 'Flies In His Smile', vol diepduistere drones en metalen geratel. Stop de sleutel in het slot en treed de spookkelder binnen… Als je durft!

01. False Awakening
02. Fevered And Childlike
03. No Light
04. Daybreak
05. Winters In The Making
06. They Tell Me About Their Darkness
07. Insect Sculptures
08. Contours
09. Silent And In-Between
10. Assembled From Shadows
11. The Room Of Recurring Nightmares
12. Flies In His Smile

Reference 1581 Category K