Throbbing Gristle - Heathen Earth [2CD]

Tax included

1-1 Cornet
1-2 The Old Man
1-3 Improvisation
1-4 The World Is A War Film
1-5 Something Came Over Me
1-6 Still Talking
1-7 Bass
1-8 Don't Do As You're Told. Do As You Think
1-9 Painless Childbirth
2-1 Introduction
2-2 Trained Condition Of Obedience
2-3 Heathen Earth
2-4 An Old Man Smiled
2-5 Auschwitz
2-6 Decil's Gateway
2-7 Punished
2-8 Tortured Smiles
2-9 We Said No
2-10 Subhuman
2-11 Adrenalin
Reference 1669 Category THROBBING GRISTLE