Vladimir Hirsch - Contemplatio Per Nexus [CD]

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Contemplatio per nexus, op. 77, for integrated techniques is an extent work (79 min.) on philosophical-teological theme, based on the writing "Teologia spiritualis mystica", dealing with the process of transformation of human mind during mystical contemplation. The composition describes relatively exactly all phases of it, beeing divided into two seemingly thematically antagonistic parts (complementary-affirmatory) that are but indiscerptible compounds of natural contemplative process. Particular periods are represented by subsections continuously merged one another.
  The album is an intense musical dialogue between space and detail, a kind of transcription of the relation between human and cosmos, the fight and reconcilliation of intrinsic and extrinsic, real and surreal world. Polymodal architecture of compositions, their sound characteristics, oscillating from perceptional - not voluminal - levels on the border of subconsciousness (Oratio quietis / A Quiet Prayer) over X-ray radiation from obscurity (Obscuritas) to excruciating strenght (Tortio Sensuum / Senses Torture) and cohesion of integrated techniques of instrumentation make from this album one of the author's major works. Reception of this opus, expressed with very high autenticity and exposed emotions, needs absolute concetration and submersion of receiving subject, invoking really the state similar to mystical contemplation.

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