Vladimir Hirsch - Exorcisms [CD]

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The album Exorcisms (opus 61/II) was created in 2006 as another monolithic work in spirit of the author´s original conception of integrated music with further evolution in the characteristics of composition style towards more complicated inner articulation of music pieces whose structure oscillates between tense or martial elements and music imagination of all absorbing ungraspable space doubtlessly demonstrating the author´s existential dialog between inner weight of physical reality and admiration for immeasurable atributes of spirituality in human. Then, that "cosmic" element is of various intensity, allegorically expressing some kind of philosophical antithesis in confrontation between spiritual and materialistic world representing by its characteristics the space of our mind in opposition to the monodimensional limitation of our thinking by load of the matter. One could call this album a ripe resultation of the author´s struggle for further music dimension in the system of "order in chaos" and another new step in its specific dark ambient classical or better said post-industrial dark ambient non-classical integration.

    The name "Exorcisms" evokes some medieval connotations, its genuine sense here embodied in its simple general interpretation – as a prayer, serving to exemption from maleficiencial tendencies. Here we can hear echoes of medieval Czech chorals with tones abruptly and ostentatiously invading the created space as remarkable reminders of permanent struggle of two antagonistic forces in human, musically described as harmonic and sound thesis and antithesis in one, their cross-fades, changes, mutual interferences and emphasis on consciousness of necessity of their coexistence. Obviously enough the author´s affection for the archaic is indubitable and probably arose from generally false sight of the past and today. He evidently cannot fight off conviction of the presence of spiritual brightness in "dark ages" and the darkness of absence of that quality in proclaimed "bright" modern period.

“Extract from article by Jan Blanicky“

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