V/A - DEGEM CD 22: Soundscape-Komposition. Aktuelle Positionen [CD]


DEGEM CD 22: Soundscape-Komposition. Aktuelle Positionen
Field recordings and recordings of everyday sounds are considered essential materials for Soundscape Composition. The term is not to be understood as a generic category for any compositional approach in which original sound is used. Rather, Soundscape Composition is based on a specific concept that shapes the compositional, formative process ad artistic statement of a production.[…] Soundscape Composition artistically points in (at least) two different directions: On the one hand, it points to an investigation of the dynamic relationships between listening, sound-making, and the anthropological significance of the auditory in all conceivable situations. On the other hand, it refers to a critical examination of given, imaginary or utopian soundscapes in art, everyday life, nature and media.
From the text of curator Sabine Breitsameter
With contributions from Hildegard Westerkamp, Christian M. Fischer, Sabine Schäfer, Ludger Kisters, Manuela Meier, Jan Jacob Hofmann, Javier Alejandro Garavaglia and Roland Breitenfeld.

Reference 3017 Category VARIOUS ARTISTS Brand Auf Abwegen