V/A - This Infernal Love Of Life [CD]


A visionary showcase of Sweden's finest artists, paying tribute to the mighty currents of LIFE within us all. This album was originally released as an LP by TOPYSCAN in Stockholm in 1989, in a limited, hand-numbered edition. Included was a booklet with texts, artwork and photographs by the artists.

Omala (M. Tegner and A. Karperyd) was one of the early Swedish ambient/industrial acts and produced two albums - "Germ" (1988) and "Relicon" (1991) before disappearing. Later they resurfaced in He Said Omala project where they were working with John Fryer (This Mortal Coil) and Graham Lewis (latter is known for work in Dome and Wire).

White Stains became renowned due to their correlation with TOPY and concerts with Psychic TV in the end of 80s. On their collaborative album "At Stockholm", Genesis P-Orridge reads his texts with the White Stains music on the background. Speaking about other albums, there is a wide range of various styles and approaches, but the common sense is about deep, concentrating melancholy and surely more serious than we can see in many PTV albums. Four albums were released by Staalplaat, Anckarstrom and Danse Macabre back in the 90s, showing the way towards the dark realm of eschatological chaos.

Phauss is the most interesting brainchild of Swedish soundartist CM von Hausswolff, existed during the years 1983 - 1996, toured extensively all over the world, and released some remarkable albums, of which the most recommended are "Audiodrome" (1987, Radium 226.05), "Nya Sverige - Nothing But The Truth" (1991, Anckarstrom) and "GodTPhauss" (1993, Silent Records).

Zbigniew Karkowski is the most famous polish noise musician, he studied composition at the State College of Music in Gothenburg, Sweden, aesthetics of modern music at the University of Gothenburg's Department of Musicology, and computer music at the Chalmers University of Technology. After completing his studies in Sweden, he studied sonology for a year at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Den Haag, Netherlands. During his education, he also attended many summer composition master courses arranged by Centre Acanthes in Avignon and Aix-en-Provence, France, studying with Iannis Xenakis, Olivier Messiaen, Pierre Boulez, and Georges Aperghis, among others. He works actively as a composer of both acoustic and electroacoustic music. He is a founding member of the electroacoustic music performance trio "Sensorband."


The idea, if any, was to invite artists working with sound and experimental music to illustrate the philosophical, emotional concept of the "will to live". Eld-Omala and White Stains were based in Stockholm, Phauss and Karkowski in Gothenburg. One could say that this album presents a pretty correct picture of what was going on musically in Sweden at the time. Digitally remastered by Thomas Tibert in 2006, the album comes with new cover,first time in digital format.


1. Eld - Omala "The Halidom/Oh My God" 09:57   [ mp3 sample     128kbps    1:01    962k ]
2. White Stains "Underworld Initiation" 09:51   [ mp3 sample     128kbps    0:47    742k ]
3. Phauss "Supreme Bliss (She Killed Them All And They Liked It)" 08:58   [ mp3 sample     128kbps    0:35    558k ]
4. Zbigniew Karkowski "I fell in love with an Evil Witch, and a Demon of Wretchedness condemned me to live in the wrong Town of the Dead with cold-blooded Cannibal King and the Killer Prince" 07:11   [ mp3 sample     128kbps    0:31    493k ]


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